Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Story Of Noah ' s Ark Just Doesn ' t Float

How do so alive with races of the human genus come from just eight people, supposedly of the duplicate pursuit? How do the blond, Nordic Caucasians, and the swart Aborigines in Australia emerge from the duplicate gene pool endow in Noah ' s small family, which were Mesopotamian Caucasians, or maybe shadowy Arabs? This remarkably doesn ' t make sense, especially in luminous of the Human Genome Project ( HGP ) which traces DNA origins of current humanity back to Africa.

When the wash ultimately receded, bearings did it all go? If it just rained 40 days and 40 nights nonstop, enough to cover the highest elevation peak, it would be Mt. Everest at 29, 017 feet hefty sea leveled in today ' s measurements. Do you know how much wash that is and how long it would part for it to recede to the being day coast goods? It would receipts centuries! Envisage a band of flood around the earth 5. 5 miles most the ocean level and that would be how much dilute the Bible wants people to believe flooded the earth. If all the existing oceans were 5. 5 miles subterranean, this would be more than twice the amount of water on earth already at that time. If that much fresh rain water were added to the salt water in existing oceans, it would greatly dilute the saline content of the water causing instant death to the majority of marine life, which apparently did not happen. The sheer weight of all that water would likely slow earth ' s rotation speed and imbalance vital weather patterns, circulation of ocean currents and tidal patterns, and other natural rhythms. The most obvious question is where did all that water go?

Salt water covering the dry land would prevent flora and fauna from growing, so how could a Dove bring back an olive branch to Noah? Remember, the Romans sewed the fields of the Carthaginians so they couldn ' t grow food, so the same principle would apply all over the world. It would take years for any vegetation to appear in saline soils and the PH balance would be off too; not to mention that most top soil would be long gone when the water receded. If these conditions applied, chances were that Noah and his family could have been stuck on the Ark for several years, not a few months.

Then there are some basic design considerations that do not make much sense. For example, all the animal manure would have gathered in the bottom of the Ark and the fumes from all the waste would have been toxic to humans, even for several months. Where and how did they store enough fresh water for all the animals? Did they drink rain water? Where was all the food stored? Carnivores needed fresh meat, but there was no refrigeration, and herbivores needed many types of fresh green vegetation, besides grain, which would have putrefied, or dried out over time. Where were all the flowers for the honey bees?

The Deluge has been reported to have taken place in the third millennium before the birth of Jesus Christ, most likely between 2, 500 BCE and 2, 300 BCE. According to the King James Version of the Bible, the Flood was 1, 656 years after Creation. The Ark was said to be made of " gopher " wood, or cypress, and was larger than the Titanic as described. Structural engineers say that no wooden vessel that large, supposedly assembled with non - metal joinery only, could ever hold together against the lateral ocean forces without strong steel plates and fasteners, which were not available in the Bronze Age ( 3, 500 - 1, 200 BCE ).

Despite this, the Ark would not have been large enough to hold two of each kind of terrestrial animal. There are over 30 million species of land creatures and taking two of each kind would take up more room than several large ships could accommodate. Two animals of every kind are insufficient to propagate a species because there would not be enough genetic diversity, and parents would have to breed with their offspring, and the offspring would have to interbreed among themselves. This would cause genetic mutations in many species.

If all the animals were able to disembark from the Ark resting on Mt. Ararat, then why doesn ' t the fossil record show animal bones emanating in a geographical pattern from Mt. Ararat at this time? It does not. How then did the panthers get to South America and the platypus and kangaroos arrive only in Australia without leaving traces along the path of their migration from that central point? Did they all just swim across the seas to the islands where they are found exclusively today? Did the pair of Gecko lizards show up in Hawaii without leaving a trace anywhere else in between? How about the polar bears and caribou? The patterns of species diversity found on the earth today, and in fossils, cannot be explained as emanating from a single point. Think about it. If the Ark landed on the top of Mt. Ararat, which is 16, 945 feet above sea level, most living things on the Ark would have frozen to death at that elevation in a matter of hours.

Clearly, anyone with any sense at all, and an IQ above their body temperature, has to recognize that there are serious flaws in this story and it cannot be taken as literal fact.