Friday, October 19, 2012

Catch - Up Story

My heart pounded. I couldn ' t believe my view. My feet felt stuck to the floor of the restaurant. I could rarely catch augmented step, jittery to go module further, but more basket case to stay put.

My life flashed before me; reaction this was the moment nonexistence would ever be the same further.

I pushed my way toward my carry on. I was feverous, hyperborean, and dampish. I was shaking.

He was sitting in the booth whereas I had left him minutes before I went to the ladies room, but with one alarming detail. His chest was covered in red liquid.

He appeared to be in shock; pale face, but breathing. My mind was racing - what happened, did someone call 911, where ' s the shooter, do I need to take someone out?

A little part of me said this can ' t be happening. My alpha male darling would not find himself at this end of a " situation ".

Suddenly there was some movement. A waitress came running with some napkins.

" Napkins? " " We need the paramedics! "

But something wasn ' t quite right.

And then I turned to survey the situation and saw the culprit.

He was sitting at an adjacent booth with an embarrassed look on his face. Embarrassment?

I was ready to jump the guy, when I saw an important piece of evidence on the table next to the accused: a long neck glass bottle of Heinz ketchup.

As I quickly got my pulse back to normal, the story came together.

The guy in the adjacent booth was trying to get some ketchup out of the bottle and did what every Heinz ketchup lover learns to do with the impossible long neck glass bottles. Whack it on the bottom.

This guy ' s whack was more powerful than he looked capable. Cause in the few seconds I was at bathroom, the whacked ketchup flew across the restaurant and covered my darling in a thick " blood - like " appearance. Hubby was sitting in the booth, stunned in disbelief, when I made my entrance.

Apologies were given; we exchanged some jokes and laughter.

Before the clean - up, I dipped my fries on my husband ' s red " chest - blood " and the day resumed its normal pace - - only to be remembered as the day my husband got shot in the chest in Marina Del Rey, California with a load of Heinz ought ' 57.

Who knew what started out as an ordinary day would be a memory for life?

Aren ' t you glad they now have plastic squeeze bottles?

Born to Lead Humanity

It has been oral that the human chase is in the midst of an evolutionary change. Seeing time goes on, children are coming into this positive reality retaining the conscious spiritual scholarship of whom and what they are. And that change is being heralded in by the indigo children. Indigo children are the " warriors " and " trailblazers " of the new age. And over these indigo children come of age, none of them is getting possibly more attention than Teal Scott. Nick named - The Spiritual Catalyst -, Teal Scott has garnered both attention and devotion from the spiritual community since the release of her first book - The Sculptor in the Sky -. Like most children born with psychic resourcefulness in the 1980 ' s, her gifts were not empirical since abilities, but tolerably because illness. Witch was diagnosed by mean psychologists with sensory integration disorder when damsel displayed synaesthesia, reported being able to see - energy - and demonstrated maximal hypersensitivities. Baby doll demonstrated identical over well-made extrasensory abilities in truth that deb excited the attention of a Christian cult in the rural town where Teal was raised. She was inducted into this cult and was tortured sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally for 13 years before escaping soon after her nineteenth birthday. The abuse did not serve to make her abandon her abilities ( as it was intended to make her do ). It has instead served to further fuel her intention to continue on what she calls her - intended path -; a path of using the very abilities which were the cause of the torture she endured as a child to help other people achieve happiness, health and freedom. The case of her abuse became a matter of the state and remains open to this day. Teal ' s focus has been far from her past however. Instead, her focus is on the future. She has taken the spiritual and metaphysical communities by storm as she has personally taken it upon herself to demonstrate her teachings to the world. Immediately upon her - coming out - she began captivating audiences with her ability to forgive the perpetrators in her past. Now, she seeks to lead the human race into the understanding that we are all one. She teaches that physical reality is not a static reality. Instead, she teaches that it is energy which is continually molded by the mind to look and sound and feel like it is solid and three dimensional. But perhaps the most revolutionary teaching she offers is the concept that everything which exists in a person ' s external reality is the mirrored manifestation of what is present within a person ' s internal reality. This is a bold statement because if this is the case, then self awareness and self mastery are not only the key components to living a happy life but also the direct route to what all life forms seek - happiness. As more and more people have become aware of Teal Scott and her teachings, she has become much more to some than an extraordinary woman. In fact, she has become more to some than an extraordinary spiritual guide. As the 2012 Mayan calendar end date fast approaches us and members of all faiths are aware of ( and even afraid of ) the extraordinary change that is afoot, Teal Scott has become a spiritual icon. Many of her followers firmly believe that Teal Scott is a manifestation of the divine, sent to lead humanity through these trying times. This reputation is said to not easily be refuted when one meets with her in person. Many people who have sat within her presence describe the symptoms of their chronic illnesses vanishing miraculously. Others describe experiencing the overwhelming feeling of complete love and light as they undergo out of body experiences. And as her reputation continues to grow, she had been inundated by pleas from people asking for her personal blessings. Whether one believes that Teal Scott as an extraordinary woman, a spiritual guide or a manifestation of the divine, the truth remains the same that a new revolutionary has come into public attention and has left many wanting more.

You can see more about The Spiritual Catalyst at the following web site: www. thespiritualcatalyst. com

Christmas Short Stories Reading Holiday Favorites Together

Ready to start a fun new tradition using great Christmas short stories?

Most families have a Christmas tradition or two that they look forward to sharing together eternity proximate date. Traditions trail us closer together and confess us to slow down and like the Christmas season; they ' re and something major to share with near generations. If you don ' t have a Christmas tradition, try reading Christmas short stories together this continuance! It ' s free, meaningful and gives a slight pause to each day of the hustle and bustle that comes with the holiday season.

Begin on December 1st and read a story each night until Christmas. You may want to plan ahead by having each family member pick out several of their favorite holiday stories to have on hand. You can borrow some from your local library, download them to your iPod ( many can be downloaded free ), or listen to audio stories. If you are stuck and don ' t have enough favorites for each day, explore some new stories. We ' ve created a list below to help get you started.

Make story time special by turning off the TV, computers, and iPods after dinner each night ( unless of course, you ' ve downloaded your Christmas short stories to your iPod ). Light some candles, or gather the family around the lit Christmas tree. Make some apple cider or hot chocolate and have a small treat like a Christmas sugar cookie or shortbread to go with your hot drink. Then settle in to read, or listen to, your Christmas short stories.

You ' ll be surprised at how much your family will look forward to this quiet time with each other and you may even have some wonderful conversations during or after reading these timeless Christmas short stories together. Story time is also a great way to wind everyone down before bed, both young and old.

Make this Christmas special and begin a tradition that your family will look forward to each year. Your kids will remember this tradition and may even pass it on to their kids someday!

Here are some stories to get you started. You can find many of these free online.

The Gift, by R. Louis Carroll

The Story of Babouska

T ' was the Night Before Christmas, by Clement C. Moore

The Christmas Story, the Bible - Matthew Chapters 1&2

The Gift of the Magi, by O. Henry

The Little Match Seller, by Hans Christian Anderson

The Selfish Giant, by Oscar Wilde

The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus, by L. Frank Baum

A Kidnapped Santa Claus, by L. Frank Baum

The Cobbler and His Guest, by Anne McCollum Boyles

The Story of the Candy Cane

We hope that you enjoy reading them and continue the tradition for years to come.

Everybody Has a Story

Everybody has a story No matter locale you go or who you talk to, everybody ' s got a story. This district is filled with stories. Talk to ten people, hear a hundred stories. Some make you guffaw, some make you cry. Some inspire you; some accumulate you quick-witted at night. Long story short, short story long, Some people rap " With my life, I should write a book " Positively, they should. Who needs fiction when you are surrounded by stories to your uncherished or to your equitable?

From Chelsea Market in Manhattan to the Quakertown Farmers Market, there are plots, scripts, novels, screenplays, and essays. People with twenty - five thousand dollar smiles to people with no smiles... there are stories. Perk your ears up. Listen to the stories. When you say " I should write this down ", do it. Write it down. You can ' t possibly remember it all. Want to have a great life? Ask people about their stories. Learn the questions that make people talk. Things like " Tell me about your first love " and " What were your parents like? " are a good start. A famous cancer surgeon, set up a microphone on a stage and let people tell their stories of survival in a huge auditorium. He stood by the door at the end of the night and shook everybody ' s hands on the way out. Person after person told him " Thank you, this was one of the best seminars I ever went to ". He thought to himself later, " I didn ' t do anything but set up the microphone, open up the evening, let people share their story one at a time to the audience. "

" What is... " and " tell me about... " are the best icebreakers. The " why " questions bring too much opinion. You want to hear the " what " and the emotions that accompany it. When grandmoms and grandpops talk to their grandkids, it ' s great to say " tell me about your day, the play, the game, your friend, etc. Kids get off the hook and you get the short end of the stick when you ask them only yes or no questions. Those kids want to share with you but don ' t know how to do it.

While in the corporate world, I had many employees over the years. I started doing things like having SCI meetings. SCI stands for " Sharing Concerns and Ideas ". I would have quarterly meetings with each employee and talk to them about their life, goals, kids, health, continuing education, and sometimes even work - related issues. They valued those meetings. There was a " what gets said here, stays here " rule. No one ever had to share anything they didn ' t want to. Some of the meetings were fifteen minutes, some were an hour. One administrative assistant said " You are the best boss I ever had " and the head of the organization gave me a hand - written note once saying " Thank you for making our company a great place to work ". Hmm.

What did I do differently than anyone else?

I listened to people.

I listen to people because I am of the belief that everyone has a story that needs to be told and listened to.

Soooo, what ' s YOUR story?

Coping With Menopause My Story

Calendar menstrual periods were partly always strenuous for me. The pains were absolutely distressing and sometimes midpoint unbearable. I learned to cope since best now I could and relied on grief medications for some relief. This faraway for many years.

It became increasingly tough in my thirties being the pains were thus accompanied by massive sorry for two days with each orbit. This reclusive me fatigued due to excessive geranium loss. I endured this for whereas long over I could out of fear of what would eventually happen to me should it become imperative to filter my uterus and my ovaries. I knew that the closing would put me in premature menopause unless I decided to gate Hormone Replacement Therapy. This however was not an possibility I would remotely ruminate.

A few years earlier in nursing school I did a research on Hormone Replacement Therapy and its link to breast and other cancers. I decided then that Hormone Replacement Therapy would not be an option for me no matter what. Based on the decision I made to myself out of fear, I endured my monthly agony for a few more years. I finally came to the conclusion that saving my reproductive organs were far less important that maintaining a good quality of life free of pains and discomfort so I opted for surgery. I also began to read more and more on Natural Treatment options.

The day of my surgery came with much apprehension but I knew I had no choice. My surgery went by uneventfully. I was disappointed to learn that my ovaries had to be removed. Now I had to prepare myself for menopause. How does one prepare oneself for such a change at such a young age? My doctor talked about Hormone Replacement Therapy but that was not an option for me. Having cystic breasts was one of the predisposing factors with links to breast cancer. I therefore decided to do all the research I could on natural treatments.

About three months after my surgery I began to experience symptoms of menopause. At first the symptoms were subtle but within months they intensified. The hot flashes and night sweats were the most difficult. They kept me awake several hours through the night and left me fatigued and irritable in the morning. It took so much of my energy just to perform my duties. I sometimes found myself being impatient with my husband and children. My husband was very supportive and so were my children. I also had other symptoms like sadness, palpitation, irritability and occasional anxiety. However hot flashes and night sweats were the most severe.

My research brought me relief into knowing that there were natural ways of treating menopause. I used mostly black cohosh and soy products. Meditation, exercise and relaxation techniques helped a lot especially with coping. I also take daily vitamin supplements including calcium for my bone health.

Twenty years later I am still living with menopause and I am happy to say that my symptoms are well under control. I consider myself a young, vibrant and energetic woman who has her menopausal symptoms under control. I can attest to the fact that natural treatments for my menopausal symptoms work for me.

I would also encourage every woman who is having difficulty coping with menopause to read my story and realize that they have options. Do lots of research and consult with your physician to decide on the best or most favorable treatment. Bear in mind that your menopausal years could be the best years of your life. Remember also that individuals will respond differently to the various products that are available. Best of luck.

Eminem Stan A Story Or Real Life

Its the story of a peanut writing to his favorite singer: he shares pains and sorrows with him, tells him that his beloved is eloquent.

Of course, he is disappointed, owing to Eminem is dilatory in answering his knowledge.

Gradually, the listener understands that Stan is sick ( sometimes I cut myself to see how much it bleeds, it ' s like adrenaline, the pain is such a sudden rush for me ) and his passion for Eminem becomes more and more obsessional.

The last picture is terrifying: Stan driving his car off the bridge with his pregnant girlfriend inside.

Stan is also a warning for each fan and listener not to misinterpret Eminem ' s words and this song really proves Eminem doesn ' t want his words to be taken litterally.

For those who still think he ' s a violent mysogynist, remember who ties his girlfriend up: it is Stan, not Eminem. Eminem tells Stan to treat his girfriend better. I really think you and you girlfriend need each other / Or maybe you just need to treat her better ).

He never encourages him to act foolishly ( IM glad I inspire you, but Stan why are you so mad, try to understand that I want you as a fan. I just don ' t want you to do some crazy sh * *. " )

Who said Eminem is a bad influence?

but to answer the question at hand, no Stan is a work of fiction. Eminem wrote the song

after dealing with several obssessed fans and felt he needed to speak on the subject.

Expect the Unexpected - Betty ' s Story

Betty " ( her adopted Western label ) is a fascination and an inspiration. I was introduced to Betty date I was expedition a plastics workshop in Shenzhen, about forty miles west of Hong Kong in Guangdong Province. Considering mentioned earlier, Shenzhen is part of the Different Economic Sector ( SEZ ) confessed by Deng Xioping. Now, twenty - five years later, Shenzhen ' s mortals is roughly ten million. About six million of these people are rover aggregation who return home on the weekends and living in foundry dormitories during the stint. Shenzhen is the largest wanderer city in China.

Betty was born and grew up in northern China whereabouts the native talking was Mandarin. Her parents were rural farmers, but they insisted wench go to school and study hard. Betty was a good student, hardworking and smart, and she was interested in many subjects. She studied Russian in elementary school, high school, and college, along with math and science. After college, Betty relocated to Shenzhen to take a " factory girl " job, where she assembled electronics for about US$80 per month. There, she had to learn Cantonese, the language of southern China, by studying at night in the dormitory and practicing with her co - workers and supervisors during the day. Eventually, she became fluent in Cantonese and was able to get a better job at the plastics factory at a higher salary and with better dormitories.

When I met Betty, she was the supervisor at the plastics factory, overseeing the production of semiconductor trays, medical device parts, and other plastic components, plus several hundred workers. As we toured the design and production facilities it was obvious she was in charge, being treated with respect by the employees. Her cell phone rang several times and she exchanged conversations and seemed to give instructions in Cantonese. After being introduced to several American and Western European visitors, Betty decided she should learn English to improve her chances for promotion, so she started taking English in night school. A few years and a couple of promotions later, she returned to Shenzhen University for her MBA, so she could understand more about Western business.

I was astonished that she would study graduate business administration ( and that Shenzhen University would offer this degree ) in the context of Chinese Communism. After all, an MBA is the most pro - capitalist education you can get anywhere in the world. But what we all come to realize is that China practices a kind of economic capitalism together with governmental communism. Business is done with a profit motive always in mind. In thinking about Betty, it seems that studying capitalism fits perfectly with her desire to have a successful business career. Profit has become the motive in China, and the tremendous growth throughout Chinese manufacturing over twenty - five years is the result. Betty is a good example of the surprises in store for you in sourcing and manufacturing in China. Any preconceived notions about what is and isn ' t happening in China and about dealing with the Chinese are probably, at best, inaccurate and typically completely wrong.

When you come to China, expect the unexpected.

( c ) 2012, Rosemary Coates.

Country Story Stealing

Should you feel of the many amusement titles you conceivably can have good with on Facebook bearings you can construct and maintain stuff, Farmville, Treasure Isle, Island Paradise, to mention but a few, not one of them hog a ' thieve from your neighbours ' characteristic. Although this is not what I instanter take up when searching for a amusement, it can sell a sneaky little component to things. Country Story is one of those video games - bringing in a solo sport play component that allows you to acquire crops from your friend players in exchange for friendship points that you will sequential on boost back up. That vocal, Country Story Stealing is something that should be meticulously balanced and handled, lest it get out of control and start to hurt your overall performance.

When is Country Story Stealing doable?

It may appear to be an enjoyable way to take away from your friends and not really be doing something inappropriate ( this is a part of the overall game after all ), but stealing is very carefully assessed in Country Story in order that no - one ever suffers that much on account of it.

When you stop by someone else ' s farm, you will see a black glove on the display that will indicate how often you are able to steal from them. Each and every plot of land has numerous crops on it, and you may only steal two crops for each plot of land, so should they have seeds with as many as 30 or even forty crops, you ' re never going to have the capacity to steal all of them, which is good for both sides ( after all, you don ' t want them to be angry at you, right? ).

The Secret to Good results in Country Story Stealing:

Fundamentally, just look out for those who do not harvest their crops straight away. This probably pertains to virtually anybody, because if they ' re not there looking at the crops grow, they ' ll probably have some time between completion and harvesting. To top things off, you must complete the Dog quest at Level 8 and get your own personal farm dog so that you are able to defend your crops from attack.

Country Story Stealing is not about being a sneaky crook that maliciously takes from anybody he knows. It may look like like that, but the reality is that you are likely to be going in and taking from folks only as much as you can repay them. It ' s just like a proactive gift process, permitting you to take without intent, presuming you give back to cover that which you took.

In that way, it ' s an exciting supplement to the game and one that will allow you to engage on an entirely different level with your neighbors.

To increase your enjoyment of Country Story further, visit Country Story Secrets

Disappearance Object Phenomenon - What Is It

The article describes a paranormal phenomenon of appearance and disappearance of objects - DOP ( Disappearance Object Phenomenon ) - and it tries to find a link between it and a religion. Described are besides a few author ' s experiences with DOP. The author suggests that it may be related to Mother Cleric ( Hindu Ace Durga ). Her other compellation is Agartha and some mention that tomato may conscious in the Earth.

Disappearance Object Phenomenon ( DOP )

There are innumerable paranormal phenomena described in books but it is hard to state what to believe. In case things are true but misinterpreted ( horrid ), this brings extended nut.

If you go to evaluator to bear evidence, the judges and the police always landing you in faith that you are a witness and that now a witness you tell the truth. You also deserve a honor for bringing your evidence. If you do not tell the truth, you are a product of the world ' s dissatisfaction catastrophe - the case of prevalent media and paranormal books that complete distortion of the facts.

This article is about Disappearance Object Phenomenon, which I have been experiencing for in reality a long time and I bear evidence that it exists for something very horrific that science cannot define, over it is sold and it neglects phenomena it cannot measure; on the other hand, these phenomena follow and ignoring them ( not unique DOP, there are teeming near singular phenomena - for example, Spontaneous Human Hearth ) means occupation backwards. Contrary to bearing evidence at courts, with DOP you have no courtesy owing to a witness and this society will mercilessly knock you down to the ground. Most scientists in conclusion rule near phenomena out of the larder of real possibilities, although every police report of a Spontaneous Human Scintillation case leaves pleasant evidence behind.

You may object that science needs proofs, but I answer that it and needs actual intelligence. I patent a few e - mails from someone who claimed that he was " the resurrected Soothsayer of the Most High, St. John the Baptist, " so I wrote him and asked to write me also the alike but in the Aramaic talking. If you do this with people like these, your " technical proof " is that you will most prevailing never get from back an e - mail in the Aramaic talking, because it is much more laborious to learn it than just to guess that " I am the resurrected Soothsayer ". DOP has its place in science with actual intelligence, although the non - reasonable science does not excogitate it real.

Over plentiful years, DOP has also been observed in the Bermuda Triangle, in the Japan ' s Dragon ' s Triangle, and many witnesses, too, bear evidence of its existence. However, the problem is that DOP is one of the most arcane phenomena to approach and it thus almost always gets bundled up into the following types of explanation: It is caused by 1 ) people ' s absentmindedness; 2 ) somnambulence; 3 ) temporary mind blackouts; 4 ) " borrower " type of people around. But if you experience it and suddenly realize, like me, that beyond your DOP is logic, the much weirder apples reveal themselves in the mists of the yet unknown border.

Some explanations of DOP may be even weirder. I remember that when my physician gave me pills and they made me feel even sicker, they simply disappeared ( as many thousands of other things in the past did and in the similar context ). The logic of this is that " someone " did not want me to be harmed, so I understood that my DOP has logic - communication.

Of many of my DOP experiences, one was related to my necklace of Lord Ganesh, which disappeared on the day of Lord Ganesha ' s birthday ( September 7, 2005 ). The probability explanation rather favors DOP ( absentmindedness is not DOP ), as the year has 365 days and only 1 day of the year is dedicated to the Lord Ganesha ' s birthday. Had it happened on any other day, I would have believed it was my absentmindedness. When I found the necklace after several days - although I searched for it very meticulously - I already knew that the number of the days between the disappearance and the appearance was a spiritual ( cryptographic ) message. DOP helped me to understand that the universe is more arcane than it appears.

The Bermuda Triangle In Slovakia

The following is divided into two parts - 1 ) personal account ( a paranormal story ), and 2 ) Tribec - the Slovakia ' s Bermuda Triangle.

1 ) Personal account

I have a friend, a Himalayan climber ( Fero Kele is his name; check please his website - www. kele. sk - however, it is in Slovak, not in English, as translators are very expensive these days ). He also led the first Czechoslovak expedition to Mount Everest ( 1984 ). I had met him overseas a really long time ago, where he had visited me on his journey around the world. After I returned home, we sometimes meet as friends. One our meeting occurred in autumn in 1988 ( October ) at Fero ' s workplace. His workplace was near mine and we both sometimes exploited our lunchtime this way. I did not want to return late to my workplace, so I looked at his watch all the time, as I did not have any wristwatch. This made him a little bit nervous. He suddenly took off his watch and gave it to me.

My first impression was that he was joking. When he persisted that I keep his watch, I decided to keep it, although he surprised me very much ( with his kindness ). Here the first part of the story ends and the second begins.

A month later, he phoned me and suggested a meeting. I agreed, but I knew that there must have been a reason, as one month was a short time interval between our meetings. We usually meet after much longer intervals. This time we met at his home. He made me tea and then, for about half an hour, he kept asking me whether we were really alone at the time he gave me his watch. He looked anxious, or even frightened. Fero kept asking me if anybody could listen to us. I am sure that all Feros ' co - workers went out for lunch that day. Had I seen any third party there, I would have certainly told Fero about it, as it was a small office with three or four rooms only.

I had no idea why he asked me the same question so many times. Then he suddenly got up, went away to another room and returned with something in his hand. Bejesus, it was the same watch he gave me when we were in his office! I was looking at exactly the same watch I had on my hand.

What actually happened, he said, was that after about a week he found the same watch on the table at his office. His watch must have appeared there from heaven! The face of AOP is spooky, too.

2 ) Tribec - the Slovakia ' s Bermuda Triangle

The list of people who are reported to have disappeared in the Slovak mountain range called Tribec grows. The difference between " just a disappearance " ( that is, anywhere ) and " a disappearance associated with a certain place " is very important in this article, as it makes the place look spooky.

We can explain a number of disappearances by simply saying that, for example, " he was just a boy ". Some people disappear from their own will and some do not. Many young people feel really like " big boys " ( or " big girls "? ) and they often leave their parents without saying them a word. If some offenders are behind disappearances of people, they leave at least some psychological traces behind, or some logical clues ( sexual or financial motive, etc. ).

You will be surprised to learn that quite a number of people behave strangely. However, finding a car ( of someone who was on his way back home to his family ) with several thousand dollars in it is in opposition to logic. This is Tribec. It is the place where behavior of strange people disappears together with the people.

Tribec, a wider country area, is part of the mountain range in Slovakia, and Slovak cities Trencn, Topolcany, Partiznske, Nitra, and Zlat Moravce surround it. The satellite picture of Tribec will tell you that it has the face of a triangle elongation that extends into the Danubian Lowland. Some eight castles / relics of castles are in Tribec - the most famous of them is Gymes, which was built around the year 1253. Black Castle ( built at the end of 13th century ) is black as it sounds and also as it looks. The castle, built most probably on a much older prehistoric fortification site, is mentioned only in one historical document from 1516, when the Forgac family asked King for permission to wash gold in the region.

As I am interested in paranormal phenomena, I sometimes search the Internet and I keep updating my collection of them. One such " Internet excursion " led me to a source that was not wedged into any " New Age music ", so I decided to pay more attention to it. What I found was mostly information from someone ' s travel diary - a personal homepage without any special focus on paranormal topics. This made me believe it was a source worth to get familiar with. The author informs readers about his travel experiences, but one particular page of his travel diary was dedicated to paranormal phenomena. I checked the information in other sources and found that they confirm the stories.

My website in the Slovak language ( click on DOP ) has more information on the matter than my English version of it - use Google translate and prepare to fall down from your chair. The link to the above source is at the bottom of my page ( DOP ).

I found that the disappearance object phenomenon ( DOP ) in relation to Tribec has its record already in the year 1250 when a guy reported that his building material constantly disappeared in the region.

People here have disappeared throughout a longer period of time, but I do not have all the relevant newspaper postings at hand, so all I can say is that the first such a case ( mentioned in the above - mentioned travel - focused source ) is reported to have happened in the year 1929 when, in a very tough winter ( end of November ), a 47 - year - old forester ( Mr. Samasly ) disappeared here. The police searched the place afterwards, as the forester ' s neighbors reported that Mr. Samasly vanished.

In December 1930, a family from a village in Tribec reported a similar case of inexplicable disappearance. A mother sent her 18 - year - old daughter to a nearby village with food. Maria, her daughter, has never come back.

Although the same source about disappearances in Tribec contains a bigger list of persons who disappeared here, one of the cases is really striking. One day in 1995, the police stopped their car here near a bungalow court on their random patrol, as they saw an unmanned BMW parking just near the road ( near a village in Tribec ). They stopped here only because the car looked like it had slipped off the hill. The BMW was empty ( the car was not locked ) and the police found a lot of money in it ( thousands of dollars ). The police decided to wait for its driver but when he did not return in more than two hours, they gave up. He has never returned. This case of disappearance has never been solved either.

The list is surely bigger, but I think that only a few people associate these disappearances with the mystical power of Tribec and most newspaper postings about disappearances of people in Tribec remain consequently unnoticed - that is, the relationship between Tribec and these disappearances.

Although the police have a similar case ( and cases ) on their records from the region when they found an empty car in a village in Tribec in 1966 ( two people disappeared and nobody has ever seen them since then ), all these accounts have a few things in common - the disappearances in Tribec mostly occur in winter; no one has ever explained them; there is no record of violence; and all information about them is based on police data of missing persons. No esoteric soup, no New Age.

I was surprised to learn that Slovakia has its own Bermuda Triangle and the " Bermuda People " I happily share this information with the public. The winter is knocking on the door.

Juraj ' s karma with Hindu Gods