Friday, October 5, 2012

Learning Spanish Like Crazy My Learning Spanish Story

Learning Spanish Like Crazy is not my quantity one choice for me personally, and let me tell you why.

I started teaching myself Spanish about 1 1 / 2 years ago beginning with Pimsleur; I down all 4 levels of Pimsleur and have since used Platiquemos, Michel Thomas, and Learning Spanish Like Crazy. I personally believe that Platiquemos is the best program for me over I fully want to reach full native fluency AND I have the necessary 2 hours a day to devote to the program for the required 6 - 8 months that it will take to complete it - - that ' s the catch, and the reason I suspect that Platiquemos ( a cleaned up version of FSI Spanish ) is probably not the best choice for most people.

I do have to say that I believe you should try multiple programs at the same time because the overlap will REALLY help to accelerate the learning process. I began using Level One of Learning Spanish Like Crazy when I was half way through Level 3 of Pimsleur Spanish, and the fact that I was using both programs at the same time, hearing the same material two different ways, learning new material from each one that the other one didn ' t have, and last but not least doubling the amount of time I was practicing Spanish everyday REALLY helped me. I do have to say that I feel like I learned far more from level 1 of Learning Spanish Like Crazy than I did from all 4 levels of Pimsleur; also, LSLC actually uses the same teaching method as Pimsleur, which is an EXCELLENT method, but the cram in a LOT more material in the form of vocabulary AND grammar lessons that you don ' t get in Pimsleur.

Learning Spanish Like Crazy is available as an entirely digital download with MP3 audio files and a written transcript of all spoken dialogue in a pdf file, or you can order it on CDs and have LSLC mailed to you at an additional cost.