Saturday, September 15, 2012

What ' s Your Story Using Stories to Persuade the Affluent

To be a person is to have a story to tell. " ~Isaac Dennison

Telling persuasive stories is the end structure of persuasion that exists. People are naturally neurotic to be able to hear your stories. It ' s just a phenomenal way to communicate and it ' s a phenomenal way to persuade.

You literally could do zip but tell stories and be very, very successful.

If you aren ' t telling a story and telling it persuasively, you ' re misplaced out on a huge amount of persuasive power that you could divergent have in your possession. Stories put the listener in a place that let ' s him / her more easily accept what ' s being said. Stories bypass resistance and touch the heart. That ' s the key. Everyone wants to feel proud and important. You can tap into these feelings very effectively with stories.

People need to have faith in you, to believe in you, and stories give you the chance to persuade them to do so. Facts, on the other hand, will not accomplish that. Most people have well - trained B. S. detectors. They don ' t want to feel persuaded; they want to make up their own mind. Stories give them the ability to make up their own mind the way you want them to, to see what you want them to see. That ' s the beauty of stories.

People need to have two questions answered in order to trust you: 1 ) Who are you? - which is what you ' re going to be focusing on - and 2 ) Why are you here? Once they know those two things, they can trust you. When you ' re sitting down in front of an affluent prospect talking and they don ' t know who you are or why you ' re there... they ' re not really going to trust you.

If you feel like you need more support, you can wait to read all of my future articles in the coming months or you can get on the fast track by starting with my Persuasion Factor program. Stories mesmerize and suck people in. They fit into the indirect permissive model, not the direct authoritarian model of communication. And once again, therein is one of the most significant powers of stories.

What ' s your story? Are you from humble beginnings? Have you overcome adversity? Did you beat the odds in some facet of your life? Is your story a fairy tale?