Story telling is a basic part of being an entrepreneur. Every one of us has a different story to tell, whereas an entrepreneur your story connects you to your audience and unrealized clients. The power of telling your story is an needful tool for every entrepreneur.
Your own onliest stories make you different than allotment one in addition. This difference is indispensable for you to share with others for them to know who you are, what you do and why you do it.
Every successful entrepreneur and speaker shares his or her story with the world. Storytelling is a powerful tool that bridges the space between our thoughts and our emotions. A powerful story will touch other people at their core. A good story will pull the listener in and create some type of reaction. Your story is what people will remember and repeat to others over and over again while facts and figures are soon forgotten. Everyone loves a good story.
So why care if your story creates a reaction in someone else? To move people whether it ' s for a cause you are deeply passionate about, a product you are passionate about or a service you are passionate about, your story shares your passion and your message more powerfully than anything else. Most successful speakers, entrepreneurs and writers are good storytellers.
A powerful story will command the audience and keep the audience hanging on every word, wanting to hear more.
So why are we so passionate about telling our story? When we first started to dream about our new business, helping women have the lifestyle they desire through entrepreneurship, we were not exactly sure how our story fit in.
Our story is about the loss of our daughter and sister. Her name was Serena and at 15 months old she passed away in a drowning accident. She was a beautiful girl with blond wispy curly hair, big blue eyes and the ability to find something to get into in a split second.
One summer evening, while I was busy preparing dinner she noticed the door had not latched shut. She had slipped out the front door, and gone over to a small Koi pond we had in the yard. She leaned over to watch the fish fell in, and drowned.
Her loss changed our paths forever. We became extremely aware of the importance and value of family time and spending time with the important people in our lives. Just one moment of time with her would be priceless.
The importance of living your life to it ' s fullest, a life without limits, to live every moment to it ' s fullest this became our story. To help women live their life as they choose, without limits this became our purpose and mission.
Storytelling is the most powerful tool we have in conveying our message, stimulating emotions and creating actions. Using the power of storytelling is an important tool in every entrepreneurs skills list.