Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I want to sell my story

Are everyone written in the exact twin intonation ( first, next or third degree person )? If so, write your mystery for the reason that utterance. See what other common characteristics the reviews have. Pick those tales apart and compare them.

That is how you become a selling author. You write the story for bit magazine. You don ' t write the story and so try to look for a magazine that might buy it. For numberless years I resisted that types of logic now I was obstinate to own my own shout. I realizing that, in studying the type of other authors, I would avoid my own style. I was unflinching being separate and sui generis.

Your style can be your style. The rolled more literature you read, the more you ' ll find out about writing. In the end, you will be the sum total of genital herpes virus treatments experience in life, and you will have your own unique way of expressing it.

I wish you the very best in your writing attempts.


Let me tell you a story that I recently lived. Six months ago I purchased a little house with only 4 rooms in addition to a bath for a small to medium sized price, and I said that i will sell this baby like hot cakes in maximum 1 month.

In the first few week, I imagine 2, I made a few improvements: a new stove, a new fridge, new painting, all this to try to increase the value on the town and make some funds from selling it. There ' s more? I waited almost 4 months because every single person that visited my house had something to say. " It ' s too little "; " I don ' t like the paintings "; " We don ' t have enough room for our family " and such thinggs as that. When I started searching on the internet why a house doesn ' t sell I found that the Size is important, Especially when you have a family with 2 kids and a dog. I realized that my house wont sell at what I was asking ( of course I ' ve added a profit to the asking price on your home ). I was not sure what to do in order to put up for sale that house, so I lowered to your price where I had no profit, only my investment back and made the St. Joseph prayer to sell my house.

What do you know? I ' ve sold it with 2 days. I was happy since I ' ve got that house out of my back. The buying and selling real estate process might be a profitable one but make sure that you know what you are doing. Now I know that if you need to make a profit by dealing houses you must evaluate your house correctly or you will continue with your house on the market for a long period of time.

St Joseph prayer distribute house

O, Saint Joseph,

you who taught our Lord

the carpenter ' s trade,

and saw to it

that he has been always properly housed,

hear my earnest plea.

I ' d prefer you to help people now

as people helped your foster - child Christ,

and as you might have helped many others

when it concerns housing.

I wish to sell this [house / property]

quickly, easily, and profitably

and I implore that you grant my wish

by bringing me a superb buyer,

How To Write A Short Story Seven Hints

There is no one process for how to write a short story but there are several guidelines that will minister a solid structure to rampart your deviceful juices. Here are seven.

HINT ONE: Go ahead by ' writing ' your story in one sentence of fewer than 30 words. The subject will ofttimes suggest the main makeup ( s ). The predicate will subsidize rise to the business what will be hoopla on. The object will edict the story line. When you go back and add a few crucial adjectives and adverbs you see the story blossom before your optics. Writing the short story is and so largely just a matter of expanding on what you have there.

HINT TWO: When petition section successful author how to write a short story he will very likely suggest that the numeral of characters be kept to a minimum. If a character isn ' t absolutely necessary to the telling of the story, omit it.

HINT THREE: When writing the short story the author has little room for character development. One way to minimize the problem is to select a series of definitive adjectives. Example: Although for decades Mildred had been a well known old lady in the small hill town of Jasper, she presented herself as an energetic, kind, and ever helpful, smiling presence when she moved into the retirement home. Not much else will need to be said. In a book, the reader would learn those things by wading through many pages ( or even chapters ) of examples from which those traits would be extrapolated.

HINT FOUR: In writing the short story there is little room for building a character ' s background. In the example above a suggestion about Mildred ' s background was presented in the phrase, Although for decades Mildred had been a well known old lady in the small hill town of Jasper... Never provide more information than is needed to establish and move the story toward its conclusion.

HINT FIVE: Although not a hard and fast rule in writing the short story, it is generally best to use mostly short, simple sentences. They provide the illusion of more content and a faster pace. Sprinkling the piece with a few long or complex sentences adds variety and ' texture '. Readers appreciate a bit of variety.

HINT SIX: When writing the short story develop a single point move toward a single event or outcome. Limiting the number of characters helps accomplish this. There is no room for subplots ( which may be considered necessary for providing flavor and maintaining interest in books ).

HINT SEVEN: Most books about how to write the short story will suggest that the story should be tied up ( the outcome revealed ) within the last few sentences. So, when writing the short story don ' t linger after the point of the story has been made and never repeat it in a different way thinking that will assure clarity. Make it clear the first time.

How to Write a Good Short Story

With the rise in self publishing, writers ubiquitary are embracing the claiming of having something to sell to fans. But if the idea of a full twist novel scares you, possibly you might want to write a short story instead. It can be strenuous to know how to write a short story that is not sole amusing to write, but other people will want to peruse. So this article will look at some tips for making your fiction impelling and saleable.

Collect a Point Of Representation

Your first choice is what narrative point of stretch you are going to choose. The two most common views are ' first person ' where the story is written through the eyes of your main character, or ' third person ' where you write about the thoughts and observations of many different characters.

Whichever narrative that you choose, it still makes sense to have just one main character - your protagonist, for which the main plot of the book will revolve around.

Create Some Conflict

Once you ' ve decided on your protagonist, it ' s time to create something to write about. And the best way to do this is to create a conflict that he or she needs to overcome by the end of the story.

There are many different types of conflict that you could choose including:

conflicts between different characters, the most common being a good guy versus bad guy battling it out;

an internal dilemma, where the hero might have to do something that goes against what they believe;

a natural disaster that causes a problem for the hero or those he / she loves;

a problem with society or community, whether that might be as simple as change in the law to something extreme like being taken to a different world and having to adjust; or

religious or fate based conflicts, in which the protagonist is unaware of their destiny and how they deal with it.

Don ' t worry too much about how silly or farfetched the problem you create for your character might be, as long as your keep your CHARACTER real and believable, which includes making them react in realistic ways and talking good dialogue, the situation often becomes much more believable.

Increasing the Tension

Building tension is the key to good stories, and the best way to do this is to have your main character have some attempts to solve their problem, but fail. It could even be that their decisions make the situation worse, until right at the end when they finally come up with the solution that saves the day.

It ' s usually the last crisis that forms the catalyst where the hero must show their true colours that makes a good climax and resolution for your story.

How Your Story About Quitting Cigarettes Can Make or Break Your Success

Most smokers would engage that once you have made the verdict to discontinuation smoking cigarettes, the next biggest word that you need to vacate is the fitting mindset. I believe it ' s the single biggest thing that will drive your success at quitting.

Now there are populous things one could revenue into consideration when you vision about all the elements that make up ' the legal mindset '. One of THE biggest is the story that you have about smoking AND the story you have about quitting.

I have helped over 500 clients drop cigarettes in 60 rag with hypnosis and what I have commence with partly every single one of them was that they had a story about quitting, about their bygone sophistication with quitting and about what they Feature they will be experiencing when they stroll out my office.

Once they have finished telling their VERY well justified story about their preceding contact with quitting, I in consequence start my pre - hypnosis talk by sharing a bunch of information about smoking, quitting and how to perdure a non - smoker. One of the most something things I contend is about developing the space station one can meditate the alternative of a new story about quitting. This is a very powerful tool in creating the condign mindset for quitting.

The bottom line is that the less we are attached to a story about the way we sense things are, the easier it will be to stir a new idea about other possibilities, and this is so important when it comes to quitting cigarettes.

It ' s a very normal thing for me to hear smokers share their stories about quitting, and they usually go something like this: ' It ' s not easy to quit, I ' ve tried everything and nothing seems to work for me, I just don ' t have the will power to quit, maybe I ' m just meant to be a smoker for the rest of my life, It ' s so hard to quit because I ' m addicted to nicotine, my body just needs that nicotine, everyone around me smokes how could I possibly quit? ' etc etc.

Like I said above, these are justified stories that I often hear, but it ' s important to be aware that they are exactly that - a story. And the more that we get attached to the stories we have about become a non - smoker and quitting cigarettes, the more we will simply create that reality for ourselves. It ' s also easy to see how this is closely related to the fact that as people we like to be right about things, our views and perceptions. So if we have a story that quitting is going to be hard and that nothing will work, in a way we ' ll just create this scenario for ourselves so we can justifiably say to the world - ' see, I told you so, I WAS RIGHT! '. The sad thing is that sometimes we would rather be right than experience a new possibility that is truly beneficial for us.

Now just to give you an idea of how powerful the story we tell ourselves can be, I ' d like to share with you a scientific study conducted by Dr Joe Dispenza, an expert in brain bio chemistry. He has spent many years studying patients who have experienced spontaneous remissions from diseases such as cancer, diabetes, rare genetic disorders, cardio vascular conditions, arrhythmia, high BP, high cholesterol levels, emphysema and endocrine disorders. He wanted to know if there was something in common with these people. And he found that there was.

As I describe what he found, just keep in mind what I have already mentioned about the power of the story that one tells themselves.

Firstly, he found that they all accepted that there was an intelligence that was bigger than them, some divine intelligence. But it doesn ' t have to be this mystical thing. It ' s the same intelligence that is keeping your heart beating right now. It ' s the intelligence that runs all the systems of your body. These people all accepted that if there was something greater than them, that they could perhaps tap into this and it would do the healing for them.

The second thing that they had in common was that they all believed that their thoughts, their way of thinking over a period of time actually contributed to their disease or illness. And they had the realisation that if my thinking has contributed to my disease, maybe I should change the way I ' ve been thinking.

There is also scientific evidence to support this. Studies have shown that every time we have a thought, our brain produces a chemical associated with that. If we have elevated, positive thoughts the brain produces chemicals that make us feel happy. In the same way if we have bad, negative insecure thoughts, the brain produces chemicals associated with that thought, state or feeling. These chemicals produced by the brain are literally the food that is feeding the physical body and its cells.

What type of food is your brain feeding to your cells?

So all these patients, once they had established the above set out to start to change the way they thoughts. So they began to interrupt their old process.

They decided that in order to break their thinking process / habit, they had to re - invent themselves. They had to become somebody else. And when they began to think about who they wanted to become, they stopped this biochemical feedback loop and they started to ask themselves some important questions like:

What would it be like to be a happy person?

Who do I know in my life right now that ' s happy?

What would I have to change about myself in order to be a different person?

Who in history do I admire and why?

And what is it about them do I like and how can I mirror this in myself?

They began to contemplate what ifs. They began to tell themselves a NEW STORY! And the brain began to change. This new thinking process began to create new connections in the brain that started to act as a platform for them to be. So they began to gather information in this way.

When these people began to re - invent themselves, they spend long moments where they lost track of time and space. They became so involved in what they were thinking about that when they realised how much time had gone by it was always MUCH more than they had thought. What felt like 10 or 15 minutes, was really an hour, hour and a half to two hours. They lost track of the feedback the brain is always having with regards to its environment.

Now if this process of creating a new story is able to help people spontaneously recover from life threatening illness and disease, I wonder if there is something in this for smokers to learn from?

What this remarkable study is showing is that if we are willing to look within and reinvent ourselves and tell ourselves something new about what it is that we say we want to achieve? Then we pave the way for amazing things to happen.

How to Write a Short Story About School Life An Example

When you write a story about school or school life, you should imagine it from the confine. A short story is different from a novel which sometimes finds its own way when writing it; you need a plan and a structure that is halfway complete, if you want to make it a good story.

Holding the example of one of note occupation ( for a short story, this is useful! ): a boy of 12 years has been thrown out of his school. The debate is, how to make an exciting and understandable story that ends with this negative event.

This is the moment to construct a flow of action leading to his exclusion. Of course, it means that you think the story from its ending, but you write it from the beginning. Use your experience and your fantasy to find reasons or motives why such a young boy might be excluded from his school.

You know some central elements and patterns that can lead to it: very bad behaviour, being often absent without any excuse, bad performance and grades, destroying something, and other grave problems. You need to look for really serious aspects, otherwise the story cannot be logical or understandable to the readers.

Imagine a class conference with all the teachers and the director where they talked only about this one boy. What did they say there? How did the teachers judge him? Were they looking for hints towards an improvement? Was it a question of sympathy? What was the form teacher ' s opinion? Was there a teacher who stated that it was not right to send him home forever?

Try to search for other facts in his situation, his life. Normally, the teachers will be right when they find that the behaviour of a pupil or a student is intolerable. But the task of an author is, I believe, to look at the things behind the visible action. What are his conditions at home like? Has he got friends who play with him, help him? How do his siblings act towards him?

Maybe you can find some serious problems in the family or in his daily life beyond school. Maybe his father is an alcoholic, his mother is drug addicted - or his best friend was killed in a car crash? Maybe he is very unhappy with a problem he cannot solve on his own?

Managing this background question, an author of a short story about school can help to explain problematic behaviour and bad performance of a student, without simply putting the blame on someone. So the focus can be set on the solving of a problem - even if the story only makes the problem visible.

If these relevant aspects are part of your plan, you can write the story, no matter where you begin: with the exclusion of the boy, with the class conference or with the decisive reason of his misery. You can write a successful story now!

How to Use the Core Story Principle to Build Brand Value

What is a core story?

If your communication doesn ' t match up with your brand values, your stakeholders will not kumtux your brand ' s offering, and there will be a hole between your brand ' s outward facsimile and your company ' s internal individuality. Using a core story is a planned way of order your communication to create a consistent message about your brand.

Your core story is your central brand message and the basis of all your communication. The aim of using a core brand story is to close helping space there might be between your brand ' s over match and your company ' s internal ego and sometime residency your brand ' s value. The story should be relevant and appealing to all of your stakeholders, so they are strained to it and want to connect with you, your brand and your company.

What are the benefits of using a core story to communicate your brand values?

The benefits of using a core brand story include:

- A platform for basing the rest of your storytelling ( and other ) communication on, resulting in consistent communication of brand values

- An easy and efficient way of communicating your brand values and your company ' s mission and vision

- Stakeholders easily understanding and becoming drawn to connect with your brand values and company

- A way of aligning, enhancing and communicating your marketing and communication strategy

- A way of differentiating your brand and business and standing out from the competition

- A way of engaging your stakeholders in the brand story, resulting in more positive psychological co - creation and word of mouth

Where do you " find " your core story?

The most important criteria for your core brand story is that it must be authentic - either based on an authentic personal story ( like what motivated you to start your own company ), or an authentic problem ( like using fictional characters to illustrate the problem you are solving through your services ). A good start on a core brand story for a small company or solopreneur is why you got started in the first place, what your values are and what your mission is with your company - basically your about page on your website.

However, for bigger and / or older companies, more people have had an influence on the brand and have helped co - create the brand through interacting with it. Therefore, the bigger the company, the more stakeholders you want to involve before creating your story. Consumers, customers, employees and others can be involved in creating the story. Through listening to these stakeholder groups ' stories about their experiences with the brand ( for example customer reviews ), you can create an authentic co - created story that includes the internal culture and external experiences with the brand. Involving a lot of stakeholders in creating your core brand story will also be effective in lessening the gaps in external image and internal identity.

How do you use your core story to communicate your brand values?

Think of your core story as a way to direct the rest of your communication. The articles you retweet on Twitter, share on Facebook or LinkedIn are more valuable to your brand if they have something in common with it ( making retweeting web design articles more valuable if you are a web designer ). The blogposts you create should establish you as a form of expert in your field of service, in turn making your brand and service more valuable and attractive. Your goal should be to communicate valuable, meaningful and interesting messages about your brand, that your stakeholders can connect with. Basically, before communicating with your stakeholders, you want to make sure that your message is consistent with your story and brand values, so as not to confuse your stakeholders about your brand.

By the way

Fog, Budtz and Yakaboylu ( 2004 ) have written a whole book ( Storytelling - Branding in Practice ) about how to find and use your core brand story, written for larger companies.

How To Write A Short Story That Sells

Writing a short story, for most writers, is a fairly simple task. Writing a novel is a primary effort that takes bountiful hours to complete. Most people can create a simple short story, however it doesn ' t tight they are easy to write. You still need to plan your story, create your characters, and tell the story in much fewer words than in a novel. When written right a short story can be just over memorable now ingredient novel. Workaday the best way to learn how to write a short story is to scrutinize short stories. A good book to interpret is 50 Great Short Stories edited by Milton Crane. Returns not of the style and how to write with owing to fewer words because possible. Further how the characters are developed, how dialogue is used, and how the plot unfolds. Ideas can essay into your head at chip time so carrying a diary is a advisable to note them down wherever you are. Most of the time you will guess of a small piece of the story like a location, or characters name. Ideas can come to you from many sources such as newspaper boards outside a shop, or something you over hear in the street. These can all be built into a good story. Sometimes a whole plot will come to you very quickly but this happens less often. If you need to write a story for a class or some other occasion and you have no good ideas, try looking through a local news paper or a magazine. You could also ask friends and family for help. There are several step to a good short story, so when you have decided on your idea these are the steps to follow. Introduction. Introduce your setting and character ' s. Initial Action. The action that starts tension rising. Increasing Actions These are events leading you to the climax. Climax. This is the turning point of the story. The climax. Decreasing Actions. The beginning of the conclusion. Conclusion. The final part of the story when it all comes together. Once you have decided on your plot it is often a good idea to write a plot plan to work out what will happen at what time While a novel can take place over many years, have many sub - plots and characters, a short story needs to be much reduced. No more than two or three main characters and a time limit of days rather than years. Sub - plops should also be avoided. If you cant write your short story following these rules you should look at turning your idea into a short novel. There are three points of view to tell a story from. First - person " I " Second - person " you " Third - person " He or She " First person can be limited as you can only tell the story from the one character. What they see feel or hear. Second person is not used very often. The reader becomes a character in the story. Third person is probably the most used as you can tell your story from multiple points of view. You should now have your characters and plot worked out and written out for you to follow. How much work you will have to do to finish your story depends on how much work you have done in planning. I may be that you just need to fill out the plot into a finished short story. For most it will be much harder than that, and a full story will need to be written. Its very important to get off to an interesting and quick start. You need to grip your readers attention with the first line if possible. Don ' t describe characters or settings in great detail. reveal this slowly throughout your short story. Set yourself targets such as how much you are going to write each day. You will probably run into a few problems, but don ' t let this put you off. Keep writing even if you decide to throw away that days writing and rewrite it. You may decide you want to change your story and adjust the plot or change it completely. Or you may add or remove a character. It ' s your story so this is not a problem. You can either write the story letting it develop as you write or re - plan the plot. Its completely up to you. When you have finished your story go back through it correcting mistakes and editing parts that don ' t sound right, or just doesn ' t flow. If you have time put your story aside for a few days before doing this, it gives you a bit of distance from your work and allow you to look at it more clearly. You may decide to rewrite parts or even the whole story.