Saturday, October 27, 2012

A Christmas Story ( dvd ) Review

Well-timed from wit Jean Chieftain ' s hilarious memoir In God We Positiveness: All Others Fee Cash, A Christmas Story has climbed the ranks of the record holiday classic films index to claim its spot among the religious boon of the sort. If youve ever tried to lick a frozen telephone pole, or start up yourself in a fantastic bunny outfit on Christmas morning, therefrom A Christmas Story is one biography you wont want to miss

A Christmas Story focuses on one central ethos, fifth grader Ralphie ( Peter Billingsley ) and his all - encompassing quest to seize a Daisy Brand Carmine - Ryder BB rifle for Christmas, although I dont feature he realizes he could put an eye out with one of those things Thwarting Ralphie at every turn are his mother ( Melinda Dillon ) and father ( Darren McGavin ) who seem indeed unread to their young sons dream.

Unable to come right out and say what he wants, Ralphie drops subtle hints around the house such as placing clipped - out magazine ads for the gun in his parents nightstand reading material. When prodded for his true Christmas wish, Ralphie blurts out that he wants a Daisy Brand Red - Ryder BB gun, but his mothers only reply is, You dont want one of those. You ' ll shoot your eye out!

A Christmas Story is filled with memorable scenes and highlights that have helped built a cult following around the life of a young boy obsessed with Christmas who is surrounded by a varied cast eccentric friends and family members. When Ralphies father beams with pride at his ability to win a newspaper contest, his proudly displays his prize in the front window of the family home, a three - foot lamp with a womans long, stocking - covered leg as its base. Embarrassed, Ralphies mother accidentally breaks it, sparking a war of words with her husband. Meanwhile, Ralphie dreams of saving the whole family with his Red - Ryder BB gun, thus earning the familys undying gratitude.

One of the best sequences in the film involves a family trip to the local department store, where Ralphie and his little brother Randy meet with the store Santa Clause near closing time. Following a long, extended wait to reach the front of the line to see Santa, Ralphie is so brimming with anticipation to tell Santa what he wants that he cant speak. So, Santa convinces Ralphie that he wants a football. But before Santas helper can push Ralphie down the North Pole slide, Ralphie blurts out his true wish, only to hear Santas reply, Youll shoot your eye out with that, kid!

One of the best Christmas comedies ever made, although few come close to National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story is a memorable holiday classic the entire family can enjoy. Much like Its A Wonderful Life, the film has only grown in popularity in the years since its release. The timeless nature of its subject matter lends itself well to annual holiday viewing, and it remains one of a handful of must see films for the Christmas season

A Poignant Love Story

Around the catechism century AD Rome, the bully Claudius in power. At that time, both inside and exterior Rome, frequent wars, times of hardship. To embroider the fortify, the war in the point, Claudius ordered that all masculinity within certain age, obligation enter the Roman legion, to serve for the country life. Since thereupon, the keep by oneself his wife and young consent the lovers. So the full of Rome will be surreptitious in the remote of the Acacia. In this regard, very angry subjugator. In order to achieve their own ends, he even ordered a ban on people at weddings, or even destroy the marriage requirements have been married. However, the tyrant can not ban love.

Connected to the article " The reason behind the Western Valentine ' s Day. "

Until the warden knew this, he was furious, accusing him of seducing his daughter. He immediately confessed to the warden of the girls their own feelings, moved by his devout elderly, had agreed to allow them to continue contacts. He and the girl ' s feelings more and more, the power of love almost made him forget they are in prison. One day he found a way to walk to cure eye herbal girl, a slight medicine, he was ecstatic. Since then he concentrate on the boil every day herbs. However, the girls also did not wait to light, he was so to the verdict - death! The day finally came, he was escorted out of the cell to the execution ground, the execution officer issued a final order.

In the final moments of life, a miracle happened, the girl ' s eyes see again, and now tumble came to the execution ground, shouting all the way to his name, his eyes moist. Girl rushed to his side, watching his first and last time I saw the lover, tears rolled down the ground Pusu Su. They hugged tightly, and who is not willing to release. They all know what will be lost once the release, how much they want time to be able to always stay at this heady moment. However, the pace of time can not stop it, he lost his life. Soon after, the girl also died of depression.

The youth are a highly respected monk, called St.? Valentine. He could not bear to see a pair of companion to this life to death, so as to help the couple come to ask God to preside over the secret marriage ceremony. Upon learning of the tyrant, and put him into prison, tortured to death. Brother died that day is February 14, AD 270 years on February 14. People to commemorate the courage to struggle with the tyrant, as well as their love, making Feb. 14 a holiday. Known as the " Valentine ' s Day. "

A Story Happened On An Island

The particular survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, natural island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed next.

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Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few nation. But thereupon one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky.

The worst had happened; everything was lost.

He was stunned with grief and anger. " God how could you do this to me! " he cried.

Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was approaching the island. It had come to rescue him. " How did you know I was here? " asked the weary man of his rescuers. " We saw your smoke signal, " they replied.

It is easy to get discouraged when things are going bad.

But we shouldn ' t lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of pain and suffering.

Remember, next time your little hut is burning to the ground it just may be a smoke signal that summons the grace of God.

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For all the negative things we have to say to ourselves, God has a positive answer for it.

A Great Easter Story

Something so amazing happened today that I had to share it with since legion people being I could in our refuge. It is Easter Sunday and the kids in my vicinity came to my pied-a-terre to get me to play basketball. Between games the kids and I took a break and they were utterance about gifts they got for Easter, an Easter egg hunt they had yesterday and the candy they popular in their Easter baskets. I told them that Easter is about Jesus rising following He was crucified to save us from our sins. I told them Easter doesn ' t have point to do with Easter bunnies, egg hunts, Easter baskets, gifts, or candy.

A younger boy asked why we have the Easter bunny and all those other things. I explained two reasons; first, stores like to profit off of every holiday so they push all kinds of things on people, second, Satan does existent he can to distract our attention from Jesus and the truth. " Why do we do it? " he asked. " I don ' t understand. " I said many times people don ' t know why they do things; they just follow what everyone else does. Just because everyone does it, however, doesn ' t mean it is right. " It ' s like we are cheering on the devil " he said. I was blown away when he said that. At his young age he understands the spiritual battle.

Then a boy that was a little older, who doesn ' t attend a church, said it is like there are two roads. Satan is on one road trying to get you to follow the Easter Bunny, smoke, drink, do drugs and gamble. God is on the other road trying to get you to do what is right. " Exactly! " I said. " God says in the Bible he wants us to take the right path. "

The younger boy then said, " It ' s like in the cartoons when the angel is on one shoulder telling you to do good and the devil is on the other shoulder telling you that doing bad is OK. " I told the kids how smart they are. At the same time I was in awe of how God opened their minds to the truth and turned them into preachers.

" If adults thought like you kids, the world would be a better place, " I told them. " We need to question everything according the truth in the Bible. " I explained to them how Satan loves to go after the minds of children and steer them in the wrong path because he wants to mess up their whole life and keep them from going to heaven. The kids were not happy about Satan trying to steer them down the wrong path. I told them Satan never quits tempting us, so just be aware of it and try to stay on the right path.

The kids told me this was a great conversation. I am amazed by how God is working through me to reach them with His gospel. Only God can make these things happen!

Since I began building relationships with the kids in my neighborhood I realized that they want to do what is right and want to know the truth. They seem to want to be led in the right direction. The problem occurs when we steer kids toward the world.

Remember Proverbs 22: 6 tells us, " Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. " The kids don ' t just listen to the words we tell them. They watch how we live and the example we set. We need to follow Jesus, our Perfect Example, not the example the world sets.

A story about the Baseball

What i talk about story takes place around the butt end of Dec, 2011 in the Phillies of philadelphia.

Our girl was playing in a Stab Warner baseball Group for boys up to the age of 16 ( because I refresh memory it ). His band, the Greater philadelphia Greenness baseball ( stressful the same colors now the phillies ) had an cool season. My look after and I attended all the games, which were always played on Saturdays. I flash on one diversion was played in Gbyfl, which was the extreme we had to trekking. When we got there ( early in the morning ) our teenager Gary was 1 lb over the weight limit, which meant he couldn ' t play. Being one of their best players the Demonstrate swiftly went into stunt: had Gary strip off his roy halladay jumper, wrapped his entire body in Saran Wrap, bundled him up with several jackets and wind breakers and sent him off running around the pathway. He had to do at least 5 laps!

I was sitting in the stands and couldn ' t figure out what was ball game on. My maintain was one of the linesmen, so he was down on the field watching Gary drop abbot to sport time. They sequentially brought him in, unwrapped him, and he had lost 2? lbs. So he was eligible to play and unpersevering the ryan howard jumper! Those were rousing days.

But the story I want to tell about was what happened on that November weekend in 2011. Our party, the State Champion subsequent a surprising season of not losing a single entertainment, was to play a party from Utah ( who was its State Champion ) for the final trophy! At a talk of the parents we were told that each of us should volunteer to booty one or two of the Utah boys into our home for the weekend of the merriment, being our apartment guests. We had a big den in our home, so I volunteered to cut two boys. I figured we ' d put Gary out there with them in sleeping bags, and they wouldn ' t observe strange if they had a brother with them. The plan was to drive down to Baltimore Park by 3 p. m. on Friday and pick up - our boys -! This meant I had to leave work early, which was a bit of a hassle for me - working for a Bank and Friday night was our night to stay open until 6 p. m. With all the plans in place I took off from San Fernando to North Hollywood Park. When I got there several other parents had already been there and picked up their - charges -. I got out of the car and saw five boys sitting on the grass. I looked at our Coach, wondering which wear placido polanco jersey, - Mrs. Palmer, we have a problem; a couple of the parents have backed out on their commitment, so would you possibly take all five home with you? - Well, here sat the poor kids with long faces. What could I do? I said: - Sure! Come on boys hop in. - En route home my son got to know them all by name and they were talking up a storm by the time we reached the house.

Now I had to go into action fast: Which neighbor had sleeping bags I could borrow? How was I going to - enlarge - the dinner from what I had planned to feed six to now nine. My mind was going a mile a minute. It all worked out: two borrowed sleeping bags ( we had 4 ), some extra bed pillows, and a dinner they all seemed to enjoy. Amazing how you can stretch spaghetti, salad & bread! So by 10 p. m. we had the boys all bedded down in our den and everything seemed to be going smoothly. Then, in the middle of the night I heard the rain starting. We got up to a real downpour. I fed the group breakfast and we packed up the station wagon with football players ( in uniform ), plus our daughter, my husband, me and several umbrellas. This was, I might add, long before the days of seat belts and the kids just jammed into the station wagon. The game was played at Monroe High School baseball field in Sepulveda, the area now known as North Hills. The field was a sloppy mess and once the game began the players would tackle one another and slide 20 yards in the mud. Such a mess! My husband was on the field as a linesman, holding one of the chains that mark the yardage gained or lost on the Utah side of the field.

One of the boys that stayed with us was the quarterback for Utah. Our team was romping all over Utah as they couldn ' t do anything right it seemed. When their quarterback made a bad play their coach went out and grabbed him off the field, dragged him to the sidelines and started swearing Phillies Jersey. He was about to hit him, when my husband dropped the chains he was holding, ran over and told the coach to back off. In fact I think my husband would have engaged the coach in a little pushing and shoving, had other men not intervened!! The boy was in tears and he said, - Thank you, Mr. Palmer -.

Whenl the game finally ended we had won a hunter pence jersey, but everyone from California was furious with the Utah coach and said he should be banned from ever coaching again, since he did hit a couple of the players. That was a league problem! But, now we had our problem with six absolutely filthy mud - soaked boys to get home, feed, have their vance worley jersey washed and get them back down to North Hollywood Park by 9 a. m. Sunday morning. On the way home the car was silent - the Utah boys felt terrible and most of them had suffered some wrath from their Coach. Our son just kept his mouth shut, so as not to embarrass them. My husband formulated a plan. He told the boys to get out of the car when we got home and go out on our back patio ( it was a private area ) and take off their uniforms; then one by one hop into the shower. My husband had the great idea of washing the cliff lee jersey off on our fence with the garden hose, thus saving all that mud from getting in the washing machine. After he hosed them off I ' d bring them in and wash them. I didn ' t have a dryer in those days, but a neighbor down the street agreed I could bring them down to her dryer. What a night! We were running back and forth up and down the street with baskets of laundry ( either wet or dry ) and trying to feed the kids. The Quarterback was in the bathroom vomiting consistently. Finally I asked one of the boys if they could drink tea, as I knew they were all Mormon and didn ' t want to give him something he wasn ' t supposed to have. I ' ll never forget his reply: - Mrs. Palmer, if it will help his gut - he can have chase utley jersey! - So with the help of some Lipton ' s tea and a few soda crackers, his stomach settled down; thank goodness!

We made it back to North Hollywood Park on time Sunday with all five boys and their CLEAN uniforms I might add we were up VERY late that night running laundry up and down the block! ( Lucky it was a friendly neighborhood!! ) That Christmas I received carlos ruiz jersey from all five boys who had stayed with us, together with really cute hand written thankyou notes. The one boy told me he wasn ' t in any trouble for drinking tea, since he explained how much better it made him feel!! A memorable weekend at the Palmer house and never to be forgotten!.