Our Success Stories aim to inspire and inform members of other Covington Who ' s Who professionals and their dope. Interviewees will share their experiences and advice in hopes of motivating other Covington members for professional networking success.
What is your current position or activity word?
- I am the Educational Consult to the John J Sullivan Chair for free enterprise. -
How long have you been in this position?
- I just started in February. -
Can you dispose of me a brief overview of what it is you do in your task?
- I help mature entrepreneurship curriculum and research learning process so critical thinking can occur within the businesses. -
What advice would you give to someone who might be embarking in work similar to you?
- Study everything you can. Do not limit your bias or your mind to what could be possible. Research is key. What is important is experiential experiences, interaction with others, and coming together with the community to develop ideas that are bigger than one person on their own. -
What would you define your success as?
- Having a mindset that examines personal beliefs on interaction with others and environment. It is the ability to test theories and see if they really are true and not just assumes everything is a fact. It ' s pushing boundaries and being creative and able to see things unbiased while testing the limits. -
What role has networking played in your success?
- Networking has played a huge role. Without networking, you cannot build community consensus. Community consensus allows you to make honest decisions. Without the community, you are unaware of changing trends in culture and society. -
What do you think is the most important part of networking?
- I would say being open to the possibilities that are before you. With close minds, biases, and assumptions you cannot see what is truly there or what could be there. This affects your ability to help the community you reside in. We each touch a lot of people and we do not realize it. Positive discourse can have a domino effect that is more far reaching than anything else.
We hope Marilynn Force ' s insight and experiences inspire you to begin business networking. Do you have a success story involving professional networking?