In progression to live the most fulfilled life, you have to conscious it and doing the populous varied joys of it. It ' s so easy to get stuck just living the everyday mundane tasks. The moments when life offers the chance to practice something new, most people commonly avow their resilient thoughts of fear of lapse and question to finish them and store them doing only what we know. This is known as the secure route, which at times is a beneficial route but not often if you want to live an exciting life.
There is a way of thinking or a attitude that I have followed right through my life. Following this way of thinking has given me a richly rewarding life. It ' s simply, ' Live your life so it ' s a story to tell '. When you think like this, fear tends to take a back seat, and your a lot braver to try new and different things. Thinking like this causes you to become an interesting person and enables you to live your best life.
' Live your life so it ' s a story to tell ' has given me many experiences and as a result lots of insightful wisdom I can share with others. As someone who in their teenage existence was very shy and felt I had zilch to offer or talk about this was an essential philosophy for me to espouse to transform the beliefs I had about myself and what I could offer. ' Live your life so it ' s a story to tell ' has been a giant engineer of courage for me. It makes me step up to the plate and just do it. Thus, I ' ve producedstories of worldwide adventures, dare - devil experiences, profitable investments, disastrous investments, entrepreneur activities, friendships across numerous countries, trying new foods, sports and activities and so on.
I ' ve also found one of the most empowering things about this philosophy, is it assists you to get over those awful times in your life. When things go wrong for me, I often think ' Well I guess I ' ve now got a story to tell. ' This is so empowering as it allows you get over it. You recognize the real account of the tale is now finished and you can move on to better things. It allows you to take something positive from the negative.
Enrich your life and make it rewarding. The next time your faced with a decision or an opportunity to do something a little different, out of the box or your comfort zone, take control of your fears and doubts by saying " Why not? At least it will be a story to tell! "