Sunday, October 14, 2012

Find related story of plastic surgery lebanon

Some years ago, a lengthy article was published by the BBC on the vagaries of the baby boomer reproduction. It was a curse critique of a engendering hell bent on wrecking the planet, along with most of its social standards.

Contraception was the new age weapon censure unwanted maturation and funded with midpoint the alike enthusiasm owing to the space relay. Sexually transmitted diseases were warded off with condoms, brought to fashionable sophistication to make them more upscale and marketed to enervate: with relatively masterful protection at its fingertips the baby boomer set thumbed its nose at the rest of the World and carried on doing what it did best - But - we baby boomers have again blessed the World with some - good stuff '. Let us not high hat space trip; plastic surgery; computer technology; option medicine; the mobile phone; the morning adjoining pellet; groceries hygiene; seat belts; sat nav; disposable diapers; the hundreds of cures that have been brought to people with horrible diseases and disabilities: baby boomer technology is not all bad - Baby boomers are thought to be single - handedly responsible for the breakdown of family values in the new Century. With the escalation of the divorce rate, the onset of the - new family unit ' became something the World had to cope with; stepsons and daughters having to build trusting relationships with step fathers and mothers; children abandoned while their natural fathers or mothers sought new relationships elsewhere; the old concept of - making your bed and lying in it ' out the window; to be replaced by the - take what you can get out of life because everyone else does ' attitude that is more typical of baby boomers than loyalty, fidelity and - staying together for the sake of the children ', so popular in pre - WW2 days.

As women continue to be liberated and strive for sexual equality; as gays fly out of the closet at the rate of knots and as America invites its first African American president to make a cameo appearance on - The Simpsons ', it is obvious that the boomer generation accepts nothing as impossible.

To add insult to injury, the baby boomer generation continued its sexual freedom motif at all cost and instead of putting a curb on its sexual activities, spent squillions on research to sponsor the ultimate birth control - the Pill!! Hooray! The greediest and most consumerist generation the World has ever seen is by nature deaf to criticism so there is little plastic surgery london point in harping about boomers leaving the planet in poor condition! - Consumerism is all ' to many of the baby boomer generation; unsurprising when you consider the product standards on offer. Baby boomers have on their doorstep an array of consumer goods the like of which the World has never seen: stand in any department store on Christmas Eve or Hanukkah in New York or London or Paris and savor the aroma of melting credit card plastic, mingling with the scent of new fabrics, perfume and expensive leather to know just how baby boomers have changed the face of religious festivals Worldwide! We just don ' t know when to stop, it seems - We like labels; we like our youthful image and we do not accept our advancing years as previous generations have graciously accepted theirs - bring on the Botox and the plastic surgery lebanon liposuction - and charge it! So how has the baby boomer species ruined the World? They stand accused of owning homes that are too big; gas guzzling cars that are too big and require to be driven too far each day to work and home again; taking too many holidays too often to exotic locations; over spoiling the grandchildren; causing the divorce rate to rocket; not to mention sexually transmitted diseases rumored to be rooted in baby boomer - free love ' from the sixties onward; and generally being a scourge on an otherwise relatively even keeled planet!

reference: Find related story of plastic surgery lebanon