Being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia comes with varied emotions. There is relief on one hand since you sometime have a brand for all your agony. However, you caress discouraged owing to you see no heel in sight, for the doctor can ' t suggestion you a cure, and can solitary help to lessen your distress with some drugs. I know how you perceive, now I was spot you are. This is my story about how I became symptom free and got my life back with natural remedies and management for fibromyalgia, which by the way I set up by total deed.
Let me start by telling you that I am not a doctor, and I am not suggesting section type of medical claim here, I am isolated sharing my actual sense. It was in my early twenties that the symptoms started. First, headaches and radiating smooch shock. It escalated to extensive travail, severe feeble areas, irritable bowel syndrome, and I was fatigued all the time. Subsequent visiting doctors, rack management clinics, and endured evaluation hard by investigation, I still had no answers. The duration Fibromyalgia came up because a likelihood, however, not much was known about it, so life went on. I gave up on the medical community and decided to alive with it.
Like so profuse people who suffer with Fibromyalgia, it has a compounding effect, because of the pain, you don ' t rest, since you don ' t sleep the pain worsens, as does your capacity to deal with it. It was a vicious cycle of pain 24 hours, not sleeping, and I was exhausted. I awoke one morning, went to work and literally felt like I was having a mental breakdown. I couldn ' t take it anymore, all I could do was cry. So, I found myself with no other alternative and scheduled yet another doctor appointment.
Following one more series of tests, evaluation of my health history, I finally had a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia. I was relieved there was identification and a cause for what I had been enduring. So now what I asked? She sent me on my way with pain killers and sleep medication. Since I am not a huge supporter of prescription medicine, I didnt take it, and resolved to living with this forever, until I discovered my natural treatment for fibromyalgia without even intending to.
One year later, I began a business venture functioning in the healthy living technology industry. Our company also had a health and wellness division, but I wasnt paying very much attention to it, until I attended a business cruise. I listened to testimonies regarding a new natural energy drink our company recently launched. At this point sleep was still non - existent, and being energized and alert was attractive, so I immediately placed an order. Around day 14 of consuming my liquid energizer, I noticed a perplexing side effect. Each evening, I woke up soaked in sweat, yes, gross side effect. It was in reality very good, because a couple of things were happening. Number one, I was essentially sleeping again. Number two, following a little investigation, I learned that my body was detoxifying. Things were looking up!
Since I was having a good experience with the energy juice, I decided to try more supplements our business offered. Over time, we made a healthy life transformation. We began to eat a more organic diet. In a few short months of starting my new natural remedies for fibromyalgia, I was sleeping good, and eventually all of my symptoms were gone.
In recent years, there have been more studies on Fibromyalgia relating to an imbalance in the body. Personally, I feel there is logic behind this theory. We live in a world designed for convenience causing us to eat unhealthy, over - processed, nutrition depleted, acid forming food. If millions of people are suffering with this disease, and there seems to be no common cause, doesnt it make sense that we look at the only common denominator being food supply and environment?
The reason I believe the Fibromyalgia natural remedies worked so well for me, is for the reason that the products I chose to try, are intended purposely to work with the body. You won ' t get the same results with just every type of supplement. They are entirely natural, completely whole food, and enzyme based. An additional reason they work so well is for the reason that the delivery system is purposed for greatest absorption of fundamental vitamins and minerals at cellular level. The basis of my personal recovery has to do with bringing the body back into balance.
Pain - free, energized, and good - bye irritable bowel syndrome! For me, simply having relief from IBS alone was life altering. I have not had to deal with the symptoms in nearly a decade. When people ask me about Fibromyalgia, I now tell them, I dont think I ever had a disease or condition, I had an imbalance in my body which I solved with natural remedies. Since my transformation, I have also added a total health routine including supplements, vitamin energy drinks, immune system builders, and ionized alkaline water. I can ' t guarantee that every person will encounter the same outcome I have, however, having lived with Fibromyalgia, if someone presented me a possible solution, I would have jumped at the prospect to get my life back. By not trying natural cures for Fibromyalgia, one can only speculate how long I would have suffered waiting for a medical breakthrough.