Calendar menstrual periods were partly always strenuous for me. The pains were absolutely distressing and sometimes midpoint unbearable. I learned to cope since best now I could and relied on grief medications for some relief. This faraway for many years.
It became increasingly tough in my thirties being the pains were thus accompanied by massive sorry for two days with each orbit. This reclusive me fatigued due to excessive geranium loss. I endured this for whereas long over I could out of fear of what would eventually happen to me should it become imperative to filter my uterus and my ovaries. I knew that the closing would put me in premature menopause unless I decided to gate Hormone Replacement Therapy. This however was not an possibility I would remotely ruminate.
A few years earlier in nursing school I did a research on Hormone Replacement Therapy and its link to breast and other cancers. I decided then that Hormone Replacement Therapy would not be an option for me no matter what. Based on the decision I made to myself out of fear, I endured my monthly agony for a few more years. I finally came to the conclusion that saving my reproductive organs were far less important that maintaining a good quality of life free of pains and discomfort so I opted for surgery. I also began to read more and more on Natural Treatment options.
The day of my surgery came with much apprehension but I knew I had no choice. My surgery went by uneventfully. I was disappointed to learn that my ovaries had to be removed. Now I had to prepare myself for menopause. How does one prepare oneself for such a change at such a young age? My doctor talked about Hormone Replacement Therapy but that was not an option for me. Having cystic breasts was one of the predisposing factors with links to breast cancer. I therefore decided to do all the research I could on natural treatments.
About three months after my surgery I began to experience symptoms of menopause. At first the symptoms were subtle but within months they intensified. The hot flashes and night sweats were the most difficult. They kept me awake several hours through the night and left me fatigued and irritable in the morning. It took so much of my energy just to perform my duties. I sometimes found myself being impatient with my husband and children. My husband was very supportive and so were my children. I also had other symptoms like sadness, palpitation, irritability and occasional anxiety. However hot flashes and night sweats were the most severe.
My research brought me relief into knowing that there were natural ways of treating menopause. I used mostly black cohosh and soy products. Meditation, exercise and relaxation techniques helped a lot especially with coping. I also take daily vitamin supplements including calcium for my bone health.
Twenty years later I am still living with menopause and I am happy to say that my symptoms are well under control. I consider myself a young, vibrant and energetic woman who has her menopausal symptoms under control. I can attest to the fact that natural treatments for my menopausal symptoms work for me.
I would also encourage every woman who is having difficulty coping with menopause to read my story and realize that they have options. Do lots of research and consult with your physician to decide on the best or most favorable treatment. Bear in mind that your menopausal years could be the best years of your life. Remember also that individuals will respond differently to the various products that are available. Best of luck.