Nintendo is a Japanese company that sells electronics throughout the world. Their home base is in Kyoto, Japan and is the largest company in the world by revenue of its courteous. It was absolutely founded in 1889 by Fusajiro Yamauchi, long before video games were akin possible. At the time the company produced playing cards admitted seeing hanafuda cards. Between 1889 and 1963, the company had attempted several businesses including a cab company and a love hotel.
Alongside abandoning the ventures of the decades abbot, the company tried their hand at video games, which of course tainted out to be wholly successful. The company currently has a market value in excess of $85 billion and is very influential in the gaming industry. The arm of the company in America is known as Nintendo of America, based out of North Bend, Washington. The company has also sold more than half a billion hardware units and almost 3. 5 billion software units.
In 1974 the company first ventured into the video game industry by securing the rights to sell the Odyssey video game system by Magnavox. In 1977 they began producing their own hardware with game consoles known as the Color TV game.
In 1975 the company entered the video arcade industry with the game EV Race, made by their first game designer. They later produced several other titles, but they didn ' t see huge success until the advent of the Donkey Kong game, which proved to be a huge success. In 1980, Nintendo produced handheld games, each with their own game. This was very successful as well, but the thing that put Nintendo on the map was the Nintendo Entertainment System, first released in 1983 in Japan. In 1985 the system came to the U. S., accompanied by a game about two plumbers trying to save a princess. The Super Mario Bros title became one of the most successful in history.
The word Nintendo is roughly translated as " leave luck to heaven, " which is quite ironic because the company had little success for nearly 100 years. I guess heaven decided to finally shine their luck on the multinational video gaming company after it finally got into the right business!
Ever since Nintendo has been on the edge of gaming, especially for the younger players, and has seen many successes since, but the advent of the NES literally changed the video gaming world.